Identity area
Reference code
PL OPiP V-8-5-3
Barbara Kostrzewska i Sławomir Pietras w Operetce Wrocławskiej
- 1975 (Creation)
Level of description
Extent and medium
Skany negatywów czarno - białych w formacie tiff
Context area
Name of creator
Content and structure area
Scope and content
Podseria fotografii Barbary Kostrzewskiej i Sławomira Pietrasa w Operetce.
System of arrangement
Conditions of access and use area
Conditions governing access
Conditions governing reproduction
Language of material
Script of material
Language and script notes
Finding aids
Existence and location of originals
Existence and location of copies
Related units of description
Alternative identifier(s)
Access points
Subject access points
Place access points
Name access points
- Barbara Kostrzewska (Subject)
- Sławomir Pietras (Subject)